I’ve known Jo via Brentwood Bootcamp for several years, which has considerably helped me to lessen my Chronic Fatigue, given me more energy, fitness as well as weight loss- from 12.4 to 11 stones.
Although trying to keep up with physical exercise and health eating for many years I could never go below 11 stones, which started to upset me. I then decided to have a go with one-to-one sessions once a week with Jo.
In six months I learned a lot about my body and diet tips to look after myself for the rest of my life. Jo’s simple and precise exercises tailored to my needs and capabilities helped me to achieve my ideal and dreamed 10 stones, as well as get rid of constant back and knee pains.
It wasn’t easy to do my daily exercises and I probably did only about 40% of my weekly tasks overall. However, when Jo explains what goes on if you do what she askes for, or if you don’t, you learn to take more responsibility and love to yourself and things start to shift.
After my weekly one-to-one personal training period with Jo I was worried about gaining weight again but it’s been 4 months on and nothing has changed, and I eat what I feel like! I now see Jo once a month for an overall exercises and weight check up.
I have spend so much money in unnecessary things in life but now I give more value to myself and Jo has been a truly inspiration for me. Thank you Jo for such a wonderful work you do!